

Face it - You Are No Match For A Skilled Insurance Adjuster!

Like a master magician, a highly-skilled insurance adjuster can see the damages to your home, take photographs of the same damages and even talk to you about the damage - then, "presto chango," your insurance claim has been denied!

Possibly just as bad, your adjuster paid a few thousand dollars, and like a politician, he or she takes personal credit for paying you back the money you have been paying, often for decades, for insurance coverage.    Yet, it comes across like the adjuster is paying from his own pocket - a skill that takes many years to master.

The problem is that your claim was seriously underpaid, and the Magician-Turned-Adjuster knows from talking to you that you are clueless about the costs of repairs and/or replacement of your damaged property.   So, the claim is settled and you are left to manage or perform the construction project that is now required.

WHAT HAPPENED?     You just went toe-to-toe with someone that has been trained by a Multi-Billion Dollar insurance carrier to manage a claim professionally, but you forgot that "your adjuster" is being paid by your insurance carrier.

Let me guess - they were extremely polite, empathetic about your losses, and thanking you profusely for being a long-term policyholder.    That sounds much like how "snake-oil" salespeople are described, yet it is only a small portion of the years of training and continuing oversight by the adjuster's manager. 

You won't find this in a printed training manual, but think about it - if one adjuster is approving every claim, while others are approving far fewer claims, what do you think the future holds for the "spend-thrift" adjuster?   Obviously, we know what will happen, and so does he/she!

Bottom-line to this - THE ADJUSTER IS NOT YOUR FRIEND, so please be cautious about what you say, and what proof you provide to validate your claim.    Depending on the severity of the damages to your property, you might well need a lawyer to protect your interests, and there are far more great lawyers in our area than there are insurance company employees that have your best interests in mind.

Watch for these signs during your insurance claim process:

1.   Calls to almost every insurance claims center are taped, so everything you tell them about the damages, i.e., when did it occur, what damages did you suffer, etc., may provide your carrier with opportunities to deny your claim at a later date.

2.   What do you think caused the damages? 

3.   Who, other than you, observed the causes related to the damages?

4.   You have a roofing claim yet the adjuster did not inspect the roof - while ON the roof.

5.   You have interior damage, possibly related to roof damage, yet the adjuster ignores your comments and says "those appear to be old damage." 

6.   Your adjuster or claims department contains tells you to send them "3 bids from contractors and we will evaluate your claim."     (Click that link to read our blog article on 3 bids)

7.   The adjuster refuses to provide you with an approval or denial while at your home and only says "I don't make the final decision" as he/she begins the "we love you so much," departure script.

8.   Your claim has been denied, but all you have is a verbal denial and no idea why your claim was denied.

WORST IDEA EVER - discussing your claim with the receptionist at your agent's office.    Unfortunately, the years of dealing with "your buddy" (agent) mean nothing - you are no longer dealing with your agent when your claim is underway.   

Suggestions - when you are involved in an insurance claim, be patient, seek professional assistance and never forget that you are the customer and you have contractual rights hidden deep within your policy (contract) with the insurance carrier.

Write to me with your questions regarding dealing with an insurance adjuster.   Possibly I can be of help, or at least suggest your future options. 

Ward Fendley
251.655.1958 (office)